A Constructive Proof of

The following is a simple proof that 2 cannot be expressed as the ratio of two integers; that is, for every two integers p and q, (p/q)2 ≠ 2. This is a simplified version of a similar proof by Milad Niqui.

Use Alt+/ to step through the proof, and observe the proof state on the right panel.

First, we simplify the goal a bit by inlining the definition of 2.

The proof proceeds by complete induction on q, generalizing over p.

The gist of the proof is realizing that it can be obtained by instantiating the induction hypothesis with values 3q2p and 3p4q.

The rest follows from simpler inequalities, 2p < 3q < 2p+q and 4q < 3p. These are not included in the example; for details, see the full proof below.

Special thanks to Karl Palmskog for writing up this version.


Irrationality of the square root of two

The original problem on the square root of two arose when comparing the side with the diagonal of a square, which reduces to considering an isosceles right triangle.
Below, we prove a statement in Coq of the irrationality of the square root of two that is expressed only in terms of natural numbers (Coq's nat). The proof is a simplified version of a proof by Milad Niqui.
We begin by loading results on arithmetic on natural numbers, and the lia arithmetic solver tactic.
From Coq Require Import Utf8 Arith Lia.

Arithmetic utility results

Lemma lt_monotonic_inverse :
  forall f : nat -> nat,
  (forall x y : nat, x < y -> f x < f y) ->
  forall x y : nat, f x < f y -> x < y.
  intros f Hmon x y Hlt; case (le_gt_dec y x); auto.
  intros Hle; elim (le_lt_or_eq _ _ Hle).
  intros Hlt'; elim (lt_asym _ _ Hlt); apply Hmon; auto.
  intros Heq; elim (Nat.lt_neq _ _ Hlt); rewrite Heq; auto.

The lia tactic easily proves linear arithmetic statements.
Lemma sub_square_identity :
 forall a b : nat, b <= a -> (a - b) * (a - b) = a * a + b * b - 2 * (a * b).
  intros a b H.
  rewrite <- (Nat.sub_add b a H). lia.

Lemma root_monotonic : forall x y : nat, x * x < y * y -> x < y.
  apply (lt_monotonic_inverse (fun x => x * x)).
  apply Nat.square_lt_mono.

Lemma square_recompose : forall x y : nat, x * y * (x * y) = x * x * (y * y).
Proof. lia. Qed.

Key arithmetic lemmas

Section sqrt2_decrease.

We use sections to simplify lemmas that use the same assumptions.

  Variables (p q : nat).
  Hypotheses (pos_q : 0 <> q) (hyp_sqrt : p * p = 2 * (q * q)).

  Lemma sqrt_q_non_zero : 0 <> q * q.
  Proof. lia. Qed.

Define a local custom proof tactic.
  Local Ltac solve_comparison :=
    apply root_monotonic; repeat rewrite square_recompose; rewrite hyp_sqrt;
     rewrite (mult_assoc _ 2 _); apply Nat.mul_lt_mono_pos_r;
      auto using sqrt_q_non_zero with arith.

  Lemma comparison_qp : q < p.
    replace q with (1 * q) by lia.
    replace p with (1 * p) by lia.

  Lemma comparison_2p3q : 2 * p < 3 * q.
  Proof. solve_comparison. Qed.

  Lemma comparison_4q3p : 4 * q < 3 * p.
  Proof. solve_comparison. Qed.

  Lemma comparison_3q2p : 3 * q - 2 * p < q.
    apply Nat.add_lt_mono_l with (2 * p).
    rewrite Nat.add_comm, Nat.sub_add;
    try (simple apply Nat.lt_le_incl; auto using comparison_2p3q).
    replace (3 * q) with (2 * q + q) by lia.
    apply Nat.add_lt_le_mono; auto.
    repeat rewrite (Nat.mul_comm 2); apply Nat.mul_lt_mono_pos_r;
    auto using comparison_qp.

  Lemma new_equality :
    (3 * p - 4 * q) * (3 * p - 4 * q) = 2 * ((3 * q - 2 * p) * (3 * q - 2 * p)).
    rewrite! sub_square_identity.
    all: auto using comparison_2p3q, comparison_4q3p with arith.

After the `End` command, lemmas inside the section are generalized with the variables and hypotheses they depend on.
End sqrt2_decrease.

The Main Action: Statement and Proof

The proof proceeds by well-founded induction on q. We apply the induction hypothesis with the numbers 3 * q - 2 * p and 3 * p - 4 * q. This leaves two key proof goals:
  • 3 * q - 2 * p <> 0, which we prove using arithmetic and the comparison2 lemma above.
  • (3 * p - 4 * q) * (3 * p - 4 * q) = 2 * ((3 * q - 2 * p) * (3 * q - 2 * p)), which we prove using the new_equality lemma above.
Theorem sqrt2_not_rational :
  forall p q : nat, q <> 0 -> ¬ p ^ 2 = 2 * (q ^ 2).
  assert (forall x, x ^ 2 = x * x) as sq by (simpl; lia).
  intros p q; rewrite! sq; clear sq.
  revert p.
  induction q using (well_founded_ind lt_wf).
  intros p Hneq.

  specialize H with (y := 3 * q - 2 * p) (p := 3 * p - 4 * q).
  intros Heq.

  apply H.
  - apply comparison_3q2p. all: auto.
  - apply Nat.sub_gt. apply comparison_2p3q. all: auto.
  - apply new_equality. all: auto.